Speak to us directly

Free-of-charge, confidential initial consultation;
For emergencies, co­ntact Sainte Anne's hospital
(CPOA) on 0145658109

Marriage/Relationship Issues

In the beginning of a relationship or a marriage things have a tendency to go smoothly as people find themselves in the "honeymoon phase". However, as time progresses cracks may appear and the initial connection starts to disappear and communication is no longer effective.
Stressors that can create ongoing tension in a couple are infidelity, desire and sexuality issues, illness, parenting and childbirth issues, multiple moves, conflicts in careers, finances and personal issues.
Couple counseling can be very helpful to work through the presenting issues and to re-establish connection and dialogue while creating empathy and compassion in both partners.

Speak to us directly. Free-of-charge, confidential initial counseling consultation.
+33 (0)1 45 50 26 49+33 (0)1 45 50 26 49 or icsparis@gmail.com